Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Session #3: bass guitar

Here Javi. As you can see, the recording order has been altered (raped, actually) so we've already recorded drums, acoustic guitars and bass guitars and tomorrow we're gonna record electric guitars and some arrangements. Last night we started and finished basses, here photos:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Drums and acoustic guitars done

Now we've done 2 recording sessions (both of them at 3 A.M.), all the drums and at least 90% of the acoustic guitars are done. Here you have two demos with only that new tracks:

Here u have some photos, though ain't no photos related to the acoustic guitar recording. We recorded it in a closed space, not as the drums.

Remember you can check out all our photos at our flickr space:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Drums soundcheck

We were wondering how would the drums from our CD sound if we record it in an open space... so this morning we went there and tried. Photos have been taken from my (crappy) mobile camera, so...